Naked Eggs and Flying Potatoes: Unforgettable Experiments That Make Science Fun (Steve Spangler Science)

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Naked Eggs and Flying Potatoes: Unforgettable Experiments That Make Science Fun (Steve Spangler Science)

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Description of Naked Eggs and Flying Potatoes: Unforgettable Experiments That Make Science Fun (Steve Spangler Science)

From the creator of the mentos soda geyser--the viral video sensation--comes a collection of outrageously entertaining science experiments and cool tricks guaranteed to get ooohs and ahhhs! Author, celebrity teacher and science guy Steve Spangler teaches you how to transform the ordinary into the amazing as you make everyday items ooze, bubble, fizz, and pop! Make people wonder . . . How did you do that? From flying toilet paper to trash can smoke rings, erupting soda to exploding sandwich bags
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